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Show how the Pulsera Project has helped engage your students with a meaningful service-learning opportunity and the chance to learn about other cultures. Two applicants will have the chance to win $1,000 in Vista Higher Learning language and literacy resources for their school or classroom, plus a trip to Guatemala with the Pulsera Project to meet the artisans, activists, and communities behind this unique project.




Applications must come in the form of a video (less than two minutes long) showing how pulsera sales have impacted your students, focusing on the project’s core values of humility, solidarity, self-awareness, and an understanding of economic inequality. Applicants will also submit a 200 word or less writeup with photos of how their pulsera sale impacted their school community along with   Applicants will be selected based on how well they address these points and demonstrate student engagement in the project. Deadline: April 15th.



All applicants must host or be a part of a pulsera sale in their school to be eligible for the Vista video contest. It is 100% free to lead a pulsera sale, which includes all necessary materials along with a wide range of educational resources to use in your classroom as well.


Learn more about signing up and bringing a pulsera sale to life at this link.



This eight-day trip includes airfare and all in-country costs. Spend eight whirlwind days exploring the richness of Guatemala, from the bustling streets of Antigua and Quetzaltenango to the vibrant towns dotting the shores of Lake Atitlán, all through the lens of the Pulsera Project’s partners and artisans. Weaving demonstrations, permaculture tours, explorations of Guatemala’s indigenous cultures, and much more will fill this life-changing adventure, led by Pulsera Project staff and volunteers.




• Participants must reside in the United States.

• Participants must have completed a pulsera sale through their school by the deadline.

• Only one participant per school may apply.

• Winner will be chosen by the Pulsera Project and will be announced jointly on social media by May 31.

• By registering, participants consent to the use of their name and likeness in Vista Higher Learning and the Pulsera Project marketing initiatives and social media sites.

• By registering, participants agree to all terms and conditions.

• Anyone whose face appears in the submission video must complete a liability release form.
























Itinerary Overview

Our trips begin and end in the colonial gem of Antigua and continue through Quetzaltenango and Panajachel, on the shores of Lake Atitlán. Over the course of this jam-packed week, we explore Guatemala’s rich heritage, meeting several indigenous artisan groups and touring Mayan cultural sites with expert guides.


Teachers not only visit these main cities, but also explore many smaller communities along the way. We’ll stop off to meet the incredible activists running a feminist radio station in Nahualá, take a boat from Panajachel to tour a permaculture farm, and visit many other villages and groups along the way.

What Sets Us Apart

What makes Pulsera Project trips unique is virtually every place we visit and person we talk to is part of the project’s amazing network of volunteers and artisans. Pulsera sales directly help the artisans and organizations we visit, making it a perfect trip for teachers who have hosted sales and want to learn more about the communities they’re partnering with.  


Our summer adventures go far beyond the typical cultural trips abroad – we engage in serious inquiries about the problems we face both in the U.S. and Central America, share our pulsera experiences with the very artisans that make them possible, and live the project’s philosophy of solidarity, humility, and self-awareness.  


Our goal is for every teacher to walk away with a richer understanding of Central America, the incredible people we work with, and the inspiring work they do. We encourage all teachers who have hosted sales to apply. 

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